Increasing Competitiveness of Middle Black Sea Region TR83

Funding Organisation

European Union


Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA)


1,801,880 €


2015 - 2017


Turkey’s Middle Black Sea region was set up in 2009 and is now well established; the Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA) carries out activities to support the economic and social development of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces. The main objective of this project was to increase the competitiveness of region TR83 as part of the Operating Structure for Regional Competitiveness under the regional development component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), the mechanism through which the EU provides funds and technical assistance to candidate counties.


The impact of the project has been evident in the increased awareness and capacity of the OKA and the establishment of new cooperation networks, transforming the OKA into a model for regional development agencies in Turkey. During implementation, and following preparatory research and analysis and a thorough review of the OKA’s institutional framework, we developed strategies related to smart specialisation and regional competitiveness, drew up a training plan for OKA staff and SMEs in the region and established a number of sectoral working groups. • Reports, covering: field research; the provinces; priority sectors; statistical analysis; training needs; regional competitiveness; agro-food and machinery value chains; critical work-streams and workload analysis; impact assessment. • Action plans and strategies, including: smart specialisation; institutional development; regional investment promotion; regional enterprise; regional innovation; smart cities; and regional HR. • Feasibility and 3-year action plan for priority sectors.

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