Skills Development and Innovation Support Project

Funding Organisation



Ministry of Education and Science


1.929.535 €


February 2016 – August 2018


The labour market demands quick responses to changes in the market and the demographic situation. Within this scope, the assignment aimed to provide technical assistance to the Government of Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) to reform the 4-year Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system. The project consisted of the modernization of the 4-year secondary TVET by working together with the relevant national agencies and stakeholders on the development of a concept.


• Lifelong Learning through modernizing the Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Systems were enhanced. • A comprehensive structure was created, and the functional needs of the VET and its interaction with the secondary schools and higher education systems were analyzed. • Options for structural reforms to the VET sector were generated. • An Implementation Plan with a schedule of work, milestones, and key performance indicators was created. • New Concept for the Modernization of the Secondary TVET, and Methodology for Development of Standards for Vocational Qualification was formed. • “National Methodology for Development of Occupational Standards” was revised. • Methodology for both the Development of Educational Profiles & Plans and the Development of Competency-Based Curriculums were created. • Relevant data were analyzed, and a report outlining the VET school network plan was prepared.

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