EU Eastern Anatolia Development Programme (EADP)
Title:EU Eastern Anatolia Development Programme (EADP)
Funding organisation:
European Union

Client(s) / Beneficiary(ies):

WYG Türkiye
5.000.000 €
Background and Context

The East of Turkey has had delayed progress compared to the economic development of other regions in Turkey. In this context, the Eastern Anatolia Development Programme was a regional development programme aimed at building capacity for sustainable development by implementing innovative and participatory local policy and planning approaches. The programme consisted of various targeted interventions, including the implementation of 4 different grant scheme components in 4 cities (Van, Bitlis, Mus, Hakkari): Agriculture and Rural Development, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Tourism and Environment and Social Development.

Concrete results and outputs
• 120 SME proposals that applied to receive the grant were assessed,
• A Management Information System was designed and implemented.