Support to Quality Infrastructure Framework within the DCFTA Context in the Republic of Moldova

Funding Organisation

European Union


Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure; the National Institute for Standardisation; the National Institute of Metrology; the National Accreditation Body; the Consumer Protection Agency; Agency for Investments; the Moldovan SME Development Organisation (ODIMM), and Moldovan (export-oriented) companies.


3,683,800 €


2017 – 2020


The Moldovan Government has commitments under the EU Association Agreement (EU AA) roadmap relating to improving the domestic investment climate and enhancing the competitiveness of Moldovan businesses in foreign markets. This roadmap is designed to help close the country’s competitiveness gap, enhance its overall productive potential, move it away from non-productive sectors and technologies, steer the economy towards export-oriented activities and better exploit the country’s natural, geographical and trade advantages, as set out in the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020”.


As the project has over a year to run, it is too early to provide detailed information about concrete results and specific outputs. We will update these sections as the project nears its close. In the meantime, we can report that we have succeeded in closely aligning Moldovan legal and normative quality infrastructure and market surveillance frameworks with EU requirements, as required under the Government of Moldova’s Action Plans. We have also achieved improvements in the overall competitiveness of Moldovan businesses within the DCFTA context in the fields of quality, production, export promotion and marketing and management. We have assisted Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure staff in the execution of their various awareness, communication and visibility actions in the field of quality infrastructure, market surveillance and internal and external market conditions and opportunities.

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