Technical Assistance for Expansion of Elazığ Enterprise Development Centre (İŞGEM)

Funding Organisation

European Union


Elazig Special Provincial Administration; Elazig ISGEM shareholders; key stakeholders in the provinces of Elazig, Malatya, Tunceli, and Bingol.


1,802,575.04 €


2016 - 2018


Research showed that additional workspaces were needed at the Elazig Enterprise Centre and that improving the technical capacity of the centre would contribute towards the delivery of better services to entrepreneurs. WEglobal was contracted to work with local stakeholders in Elazig province to develop the existing centre to meet these new demands.


We carried out a very detailed analysis of the current status in Elazig, Malatya, Tunceli, and Bingol and on the basis of the results drafted, reviewed, revised and finalised a detailed five-year business plan and a set of comprehensive service manuals for the ISGEM. We held four seminars to promote the Elazig ISGEM and the concept of 3. Generation Incubators in Elazig, Tunceli, Malatya and Bingöl and organised a workshop involving key stakeholders from the region, which resulted in a number of interesting initiatives – three of the most promising received additional inputs from the project and five project proposals were prepared for possible future funding.

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