Technical Assistance for Increasing Ethical Awareness Among Elected and Non-Elected Local Government Officials
Title:Technical Assistance for Increasing Ethical Awareness Among Elected and Non-Elected Local Government Officials
Funding organisation:

Client(s) / Beneficiary(ies):

Council of Ethics
1,790,000.00 EUR
Background and Context

The project aims to promote an ethical culture and minimize corrupt behaviour within the elected and non-elected local government officials during their service provisions.

Within the frame of the project, WEglobal is helping to contribute efforts on embedding ethics and combatting corruption at local administrations under priorities set in the IPA II indicative strategy paper for Turkey along with European standards.

Concrete results and outputs
At the end of the project;

• Ethical standards will increase at local administrations through ethical trainers for continuous institutional performances also, regulations including ethical codes as required in the “National Strategy of Increasing Transparency and Strengthening the Anti-Corruption Effo1is” relevant to local governments will have successfully implemented as secondary legislation with the involvement of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services in Turkey.