Technical Assistance for the Operation “Employment and Social Support Services Coordination and Implementation Model for the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons”

Funding Organisation



Union of Municipalities of Turkey


5.999.000 €


August 2014 – November 2016


The case can be made that disadvantaged persons have both a lack of access and barriers of entry into the labour market. Based on this declaration, the purpose of the operation was to contribute to the sustainable integration of disadvantaged persons into the labour market by establishing and implementing a model for employment and social support services within the target municipalities under the supervision and guidance of the Union of Municipalities of Turkey.


• Social Service Support and Employment Guidance Units (SSSEGU) within the respective Departments of each Municipality were established, • SSSEGU personnel and Municipality personnel of related departments were trained, • SSSEGUs started to operate and provide guidance on available social services and employment-related issues, • A database with two main headings was established in order to facilitate access for disadvantaged persons to the labour market, • Methods for directing disadvantaged persons to social service support mechanisms, ALMPs, vocational training programmes were identified, guidance services were provided, • An electronic “Beneficiary Tracking System” for each SSSEGU was created, • The tailor-made recommendation papers were prepared to be used in the preparation of new strategic plans. • A communication strategy was prepared, which illuminated the design and implementation of awareness-raising meetings, campaigns, conferences and workshops.

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