Strengthening the Internal Market
Project is comprised of six components, as follows: Component 1: Improving the strategic, legislative and institutional framework in area of Free Movement of Goods Component 2: Improving the strategic, legislative and institutional framework in area of Free Movement of Services. Component 3: Improving the legislative alignment with the

Increasing Attractiveness, Inclusiveness and Relevance of VET and Adult Education
The overall objective is to improve skill matches of youth and adults in line with labour market needs by increasing access to quality vocational education, training and adult education. The project supports the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Nort Macedonia and related national educational

EU Support for the Competitiveness of Kosovo’s ICT Sector
This initiative’s overall objective is to enhance the competitiveness of Kosovo’s digital and traditional businesses by supporting the growth of Kosovo’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, paving the way for growth and new job creation. The project aims to bridge the digital and business skills gap in

Technical Assistance for Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for Modernization of Turkish Customs Administration VIII
It is essential to modernize customs legislation and practices in line with the EU standards for proper and effective implementation of the Union Customs Code. In this context, the purpose of the project was to improve the administrative capacity of the Turkish Customs Administration, raise awareness and increase

Technical Assistance for the Operation “Employment and Social Support Services Coordination and Implementation Model for the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons”
The case can be made that disadvantaged persons have both a lack of access and barriers of entry into the labour market. Based on this declaration, the purpose of the operation was to contribute to the sustainable integration of disadvantaged persons into the labour market by establishing and

Technical Assistance for the Sector Reform Contract EU for Youth
The project’s overall objective is to improve young people’s vocational qualifications, skills, and preparedness to enter the labour market and better implement the Youth Guarantee scheme in the Republic of North Macedonia.