Transport and Urban Development

Enhancement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity of Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre

The project aims to enhance the institutional and administrative capacity of the Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre (DoTMC Research Centre) by promoting research development and innovation in the transport sector. This project ensures the continuous supply of quality project proposals for the regular, timely

Education and Employment

Skills Development and Innovation Support Project

The labour market demands quick responses to changes in the market and the demographic situation. Within this scope, the assignment aimed to provide technical assistance to the Government of Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) to reform the 4-year Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Promoting Youth Employment

The participation of young people in the labour market is a challenging topic for every country. To increase the employability and entrepreneurship of young people, one needs to attract and retain more people in employment by promoting youth employment and decreasing the unemployment rate of young people. Within

Agriculture and Rural Development

Capacity Building for the Alignment with the Acquis in the areas of Agriculture, Rural Development, Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy

This project improves the planning, legislative, and institutional capacity of Serbia’s Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Water Management part of the country’s preparations for EU membership. Project supports Serbia in the EU accession process through the preparation of the Negotiation Positions and drafting or amending the national