Implementation of the Priority Actions in Climate Change Sector
The Project’s overall objective is to achieve alignment of the North Macedonia’s legislation with the EU climate action legislation, and creation of an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the priority mitigation actions developed under the Long-term Strategy on Climate Action. The project’s specific objective is to

Supporting the Implementation of the Regional Waste Management Systems
The project aims are to support the North Macedonia in establishment of the regional waste management structure in the East and North-East Regions. To achieve its aims, the Project will be implemented through the following main activities: • Development and implementation of Regional Waste Management Public Awareness Program

Increasing Attractiveness, Inclusiveness and Relevance of VET and Adult Education
The overall objective is to improve skill matches of youth and adults in line with labour market needs by increasing access to quality vocational education, training and adult education. The project supports the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Nort Macedonia and related national educational

Technical Assistance for the Sector Reform Contract EU for Youth
The project’s overall objective is to improve young people’s vocational qualifications, skills, and preparedness to enter the labour market and better implement the Youth Guarantee scheme in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Technical Assistance for the Programme Entitled ‘Institutional Strengthening to Promote Decent Work in Honduras (EURO+LABOR)
It’s considered essential to systematically promote decent work for the labour market of a country. In this regard, the mission of the Programme EURO + LABOR was to ensure “a country with decent employment opportunities for the population of Honduras” based on the Honduras Government’s priorities and National

Enhancing the Employability of Youth and Unemployed/Low-Skilled Workers, and Improving Their Transition to Employment In Egypt
It can be claimed that advancing the structure and performance of the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) system and TVET deliveries is essential to better respond to new socio-economic needs, in particular, youth employability and increased competitiveness in the context of the country’s current and future