Support to the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara and Bursa as Major In-Migrant Destinations (İGEP)
Cities with high demographic density require reduced urban disparities through enhanced economic, social and cultural opportunities for all citizens. In this respect, the purpose of the project was to provide support to the municipalities of İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir and Bursa to increase institutional capacity to reduce socio-economic integration

Technical Assistance for the Operation “Employment and Social Support Services Coordination and Implementation Model for the Integration of Disadvantaged Persons”
The case can be made that disadvantaged persons have both a lack of access and barriers of entry into the labour market. Based on this declaration, the purpose of the operation was to contribute to the sustainable integration of disadvantaged persons into the labour market by establishing and

Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building of General Directorate of Highways for the Road Infrastructure Safety Management in Turkey
The project aims to enhance the administrative capacity of the General Directorate of Highways (KGM) to implement road infrastructure safety management and harmonise Turkish legislation with directive 2008/96/EC.

Technical Assistance for Supporting the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, and Erzurum, as Major In-Migrant Destinations
Rapid migration in major urban areas, namely Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Erzurum (DGES), have adverse impacts in Turkey. To reduce these unfavourable effects, EKOSEP aimed to support social integration and environment-related infrastructure problems due to migration in the selected provinces in a multi-actor manner. Furthermore, it aimed to

Enhancing the Employability of Youth and Unemployed/Low-Skilled Workers, and Improving Their Transition to Employment In Egypt
It can be claimed that advancing the structure and performance of the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) system and TVET deliveries is essential to better respond to new socio-economic needs, in particular, youth employability and increased competitiveness in the context of the country’s current and future

Enhancement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity of Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre
The project aims to enhance the institutional and administrative capacity of the Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre (DoTMC Research Centre) by promoting research development and innovation in the transport sector. This project ensures the continuous supply of quality project proposals for the regular, timely