Strengthening the Internal Market

Funding Organisation



EUD / Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Finance; State Market Inspectorate; Bureau of Metrology; State Technical Inspectorate


3.661.990 EUR


2020 – 2025


Project is comprised of six components, as follows: Component 1: Improving the strategic, legislative and institutional framework in area of Free Movement of Goods
Component 2: Improving the strategic, legislative and institutional framework in area of Free Movement of Services.
Component 3: Improving the legislative alignment with the EU acquis as regards Company Law, Law on accounting and Law on audit.
Component 4: Capacity building to national bodies for efficient and effective market surveillance and consumer protection.
Component 5: Capacity building to BoM to efficiently execute testing, verification and calibration services.
Component 6: Capacity building to State Technical Inspectorate
The Project will enhance the capacities of the country for further harmonization with the EU acquis in the area free movement of goods and services and strengthen the market surveillance for protection of consumers' rights. Furthermore, the country will be supported in establishing a better regulation for functioning of companies. More specifically, the project will:
  • invest in preparing the Ministry of Economy to draft and monitor the implementation of the new legislation in the area of free movement of goods and services and to apply corrective measures where necessary;
  • provide support for the putting in operation of a real functioning Point of single contacts in accordance with the requirements of the EU Services Directive. Business operators and business organizations will be acquainted with the new legislation and supported in ensuring compliance with it;
  • support the market surveillance through functional reorganization of the State market inspection service, upgrade of the surveillance methodology and introduction of new tools, facilitating the work of the market inspectors, as well as by enhancing the coordination and the methodological synchronization among the various market surveillance entities.
  • support the national metrology body to improve its measurement standards and services, the coordination with business and secure transparency in the metrology work.
The nature of the required assistance includes, inter alia:
  • Review of available national strategies, policies, documents, studies, indicators, and assessments in the relevant area. MoE will be the main contact point to secure access to the requested documents.
  • Drafting sector strategy/strategic framework, where applicable, including definitions of success indicators, timelines and costing. Support to the elaboration and yearly update of the Action Plans for the implementation of the strategies
  • Assessment of laws and bylaws. MoE will be the main contact point to secure access to the documents required by the Contractor.
  • Drafting of laws and by-laws, guidelines, manuals, instructions, etc.
  • Organization of focus groups, roundtables consultation, workshops, info sessions, with the stakeholders, including the socio-economic partners, professional associations and NGOs to collect and/or verify information, collet opinions, etc
  • Advisory work, on the job coaching and training.
  • Study visits for main project beneficiaries and, if necessary, other stakeholders.
  • Disseminating the information to relevant stakeholders and wider public.
  • Developing IT tools for beneficiaries.


WEglobal will complete the following activities for this project: • Preparing the Ministry of Economy to draft and monitor the implementation of the new legislation of the free movement of goods and services and to apply corrective measures where necessary. • Supporting the operation of a Point of Single Contact under the requirements of the EU Services Directive. Business operators and organizations will be acquainted with the new legislation and supported in ensuring compliance. • Supporting market surveillance through functional reorganization of the State market inspection service, upgrading the surveillance methodology and introduction of new tools, facilitating the work of the market inspectors, and enhancing the coordination and methodological synchronization between the various market surveillance entities. • Supporting the national metrology body to improve its measurement standards and services, coordinate with businesses and secure transparency in the metrology work.

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