Strengthening the Internal Market
Title:Strengthening the Internal Market
Funding organisation:

Client(s) / Beneficiary(ies):

Ministry of Economy of the North Macedonia
3,001,000.00 EUR
2021 – 2024
Background and Context

This project aims to enhance the harmonization of the national legal framework with the EU acquis in the Republic of North Macedonia’s internal market. The primary focus will be the free movement of goods and services, protection of consumers’ rights, and bettering business functions regulation. Furthermore, the project will include capacity building measures to improve laws’ enforcement and enhance the new established processes and structures.

Concrete results and outputs
WEglobal will complete the following activities for this project:

• Preparing the Ministry of Economy to draft and monitor the implementation of the new legislation of the free movement of goods and services and to apply corrective measures where necessary.
• Supporting the operation of a Point of Single Contact under the requirements of the EU Services Directive. Business operators and organizations will be acquainted with the new legislation and supported in ensuring compliance.
• Supporting market surveillance through functional reorganization of the State market inspection service, upgrading the surveillance methodology and introduction of new tools, facilitating the work of the market inspectors, and enhancing the coordination and methodological synchronization between the various market surveillance entities.
• Supporting the national metrology body to improve its measurement standards and services, coordinate with businesses and secure transparency in the metrology work.