Technical Assistance for Building the Capacity of EU Affairs in the Governorates

Funding Organisation



Ministry for European Union Affairs


1.920.744 €


December 2013 – December 2014


It is very beneficial to strengthen the quality of information on EU issues for all stakeholders and to improve the capacity of the Administration at the local level to support the management of EU funds and engagement in the accession process. Thus, the project assisted in increasing the capacity of the EU permanent contacts points, EU Offices and EU PASC in 20 selected pilot Provinces in Turkey and produced a strategy for how these capacity-building efforts could be scaled-up nationwide.


• Kick-off conferences were held, • Training needs were assisted including training curricula at the provincial level, • Expert Training Programme was designed, prepared and delivered, • Staff of EU Offices and Members of CCCs (Consultation and Coordination Committees) were skilled in each pilot province on EU policies, • Representatives from each pilot province (80 participants in total) completed a five (5) day educational visit to significant institutions and organizations in Brussels, • Mechanisms of sharing information and experiences for the Provinces between the provinces and the MoEU (Ministry for EU Affairs) were strengthened, • Strategy Paper for Strengthening Capacity at Provincial Level for EU Affairs and the Management of EU Funds was prepared.

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