Visibility and Communication for Actions Related to AA/DCFTA Implementation in the Framework of the EU Funded Assistance Programmes

Funding Organisation



Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure; Moldovan SME Development Organisation (ODIMM); Agency for Investments.


1,900,000 €


2017 – 2019


The National Implementation Plan of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) establishes key priorities to foster political association and economic integration with the EU, including actions assigned to institutions involved in the AA/DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area). The DCFTA defines a preferential, mutually advantageous trade relationship between Moldova and the EU, based on removal of duties on goods and obstacles to market services. To this is added the benefit of a staged liberalisation of trade on the Moldovan side, namely a gradual opening up of markets to EU products linked to domestic reform, so as to protect businesses and industries as they adjust to increased competition. This contract is increasing awareness and understanding of Moldovan businesses to the benefits of a fully implemented and fully participatory AA/DCFTA.


We have revised and updated the DCFTA web site, adding videos, guidelines, frequently asked questions and an on-line ‘news bureau’. We have produced, published and distributed a large number of visibility materials and rented public billboards to display best practices to businesses. We also provided significant support to building the institutional capacity of Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure staff in terms of visibility and communication activities and channels.

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