Provision of Advisory Services for Development of Social and Environmental Investment Programmes for TANAP Project
Natural gas and its transportation are one of the biggest economic challenges for Turkey. Based on this context, the project aimed to construct a pipeline and other related facilities necessary to transport natural gas through the Republic of Turkey, which altogether were to form the Pipeline System. The
Technical Assistance for Increasing Ethical Awareness Among Elected and Non-Elected Local Government Officials
The project aims to promote an ethical culture and minimize corrupt behaviour within the elected and non-elected local government officials during their service provisions. Within the frame of the project, WEglobal is helping to contribute efforts on embedding ethics and combatting corruption at local administrations under priorities set
Technical Assistance for Sorgun Enterprise Development Centre (İŞGEM)
This project was a component of the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme which is part of the Instrument for Pre-Accession and is designed to support Turkey’s convergence with the EU by increasing the competitiveness of the Turkish economy and reducing regional socio-economic disparities. The project was designed to provide
Technical Assistance Support to the Women’s Breakthrough Project
Over the next century, half the world’s population growth is expected to take place in Africa. It is recognized that one of the continent’s most significant development challenges will be creating enough quality jobs and to employ this population growth. Gender equality, particularly the inclusion and empowerment of
Technical Assistance to Support CISOP 2014-2020 Operations, Information and Publicity
The overall aims of the “Technical Assistance to Support CISOP 2014-2020 Operations, Information and Publicity” are to increase the competitiveness of the Turkish economy, to open it up to innovation and to reduce regional socio-economic disparities across the country as the Turkish and EU economies converge. We are
Increasing Competitiveness of Middle Black Sea Region TR83
Turkey’s Middle Black Sea region was set up in 2009 and is now well established; the Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA) carries out activities to support the economic and social development of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces. The main objective of this project was to