Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance for the Operation of Samsun Metals Metrology and Calibration Laboratory

West black sea region of Turkey which the project named TR83 (Samsun, Çorum, Amasya, Tokat) Region, including Sinop, requires to be contributed through socio-economic development. Thus, the purpose of this contract was to strengthen the innovation and quality infrastructure of the metals industry in the TR83 Region. Laboratory’s

PAR and Governance

Civil Society Facility 2018 – Sivil Düşün IV

This project is the fourth phase of the Sivil Düşün (‘Think Civil’ in English) programme, which is being funded under the Civil Society Facility of Turkey. The ‘Sivil Düşün’ programme is designed to strengthen the structures and values of participatory democracy. It supports activities that strive to contribute

Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance for Sorgun Enterprise Development Centre (İŞGEM)

This project was a component of the Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme which is part of the Instrument for Pre-Accession and is designed to support Turkey’s convergence with the EU by increasing the competitiveness of the Turkish economy and reducing regional socio-economic disparities. The project was designed to provide

Agriculture and Rural Development

Capacity Building for the Alignment with the Acquis in the areas of Agriculture, Rural Development, Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy

This project improves the planning, legislative, and institutional capacity of Serbia’s Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Water Management part of the country’s preparations for EU membership. Project supports Serbia in the EU accession process through the preparation of the Negotiation Positions and drafting or amending the national