Justice and Human Rights

Technical Assistance for Supporting the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, and Erzurum, as Major In-Migrant Destinations

Rapid migration in major urban areas, namely Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Erzurum (DGES), have adverse impacts in Turkey. To reduce these unfavourable effects, EKOSEP aimed to support social integration and environment-related infrastructure problems due to migration in the selected provinces in a multi-actor manner. Furthermore, it aimed to

PAR and Governance

Support to the EU Integration Process of Albania

The project aims to assist the Government of Albania to strengthen the EU integration process in line with the priorities of Stabilisation and Association Agreement and accession negotiation processes by: Supporting effective alignment of national legislation with the EU acquis and its implementation. Further strengthening the capacities of

PAR and Governance

Strengthening of an Integrated Strategic Approach to Increase the Efficiency and Productivity of IPA Funds during the Third Period (2021-2027)

This project’s main objective is to further increase and consolidate administrative capacity of the Turkish administration for more effective and efficient management and absorption of IPA funds, in addition to  strengthen the capacity of NIPAC and other relevant institutions in the area of strategic planning and programming, proper