Increasing Competitiveness of Middle Black Sea Region TR83
Turkey’s Middle Black Sea region was set up in 2009 and is now well established; the Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA) carries out activities to support the economic and social development of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces. The main objective of this project was to
Monitoring Human Rights Situation and Advocating for Compliance with International Human Rights Framework
The main objective of this service contract is to strengthen Turkish civil society organisations’ role in the promotion and protection of human rights through expanded civil society monitoring and advocacy at various levels. The action will provide support to civil society organisations in order to document human rights
Technical Assistance for Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme
Turkey’s negotiations in pursuit of full membership in the European Union (EU) place significant responsibilities on all sections of Turkish society. This fact means that Turkey needs individuals from all parts of society who can closely follow and contribute to EU-related issues. In this context, the specific purpose
Technical Assistance for Promoting Registered Employment
Unregistered employment remains one of the critical concerns and significant challenges of the Turkish labour market. Even though recent years have seen a downward trend in unregistered employment, a substantial portion of Turkey’s workforce is still employed without being registered with the social security system. In this regard,
Support to Quality Infrastructure Framework within the DCFTA Context in the Republic of Moldova
The Moldovan Government has commitments under the EU Association Agreement (EU AA) roadmap relating to improving the domestic investment climate and enhancing the competitiveness of Moldovan businesses in foreign markets. This roadmap is designed to help close the country’s competitiveness gap, enhance its overall productive potential, move it
Technical Assistance for Increasing Ethical Awareness Among Elected and Non-Elected Local Government Officials
The project aims to promote an ethical culture and minimize corrupt behaviour within the elected and non-elected local government officials during their service provisions. Within the frame of the project, WEglobal is helping to contribute efforts on embedding ethics and combatting corruption at local administrations under priorities set