Justice and Human Rights

Technical Assistance for Supporting the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, and Erzurum, as Major In-Migrant Destinations

Rapid migration in major urban areas, namely Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Erzurum (DGES), have adverse impacts in Turkey. To reduce these unfavourable effects, EKOSEP aimed to support social integration and environment-related infrastructure problems due to migration in the selected provinces in a multi-actor manner. Furthermore, it aimed to

PAR and Governance

Visibility and Communication for Actions Related to AA/DCFTA Implementation in the Framework of the EU Funded Assistance Programmes

The National Implementation Plan of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) establishes key priorities to foster political association and economic integration with the EU, including actions assigned to institutions involved in the AA/DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area). The DCFTA defines a preferential, mutually advantageous trade relationship between

Justice and Human Rights

Support to the Development of the Penitentiary and Probation Systems in Georgia

Countries are looking for an effective and fair way to penalize criminals and prevent recidivism significantly. Within this scope, the overall aim was to reduce recidivism in Georgia and to develop modern and efficient criminal and probation systems to ensure public safety that protects the human rights of

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Promoting Registered Employment

Unregistered employment remains one of the critical concerns and significant challenges of the Turkish labour market. Even though recent years have seen a downward trend in unregistered employment, a substantial portion of Turkey’s workforce is still employed without being registered with the social security system. In this regard,