Justice and Human Rights

Reinforcement of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) in Lebanon

In Lebanon, there is no comprehensive national policy to fight poverty and a particular, effective social security system for poor people. Without improvements, Lebanon cannot hope to move towards realistically integrated and adequate social protection interventions. Thus, the project aimed to contribute to improving the quality and coverage

PAR and Governance

Visibility and Communication for Actions Related to AA/DCFTA Implementation in the Framework of the EU Funded Assistance Programmes

The National Implementation Plan of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) establishes key priorities to foster political association and economic integration with the EU, including actions assigned to institutions involved in the AA/DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area). The DCFTA defines a preferential, mutually advantageous trade relationship between

Education and Employment

Skills Development and Innovation Support Project

The labour market demands quick responses to changes in the market and the demographic situation. Within this scope, the assignment aimed to provide technical assistance to the Government of Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) to reform the 4-year Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and

PAR and Governance

Technical Assistance for Result Oriented Monitoring in Turkey-Phase III

Within the scope of this project, we are aiming to ensure efficient and effective of IPA II assistance with a view to better achievement of the objectives set out in the Indicative Strategy Paper of Turkey (2014-2020) and assist NIPAC to fulfil his extended monitoring responsibility.

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Promoting Youth Employment in TRC3 Region

The purpose of the contract is to increase the vocational skills of young people in TRC3 Region and promote their integration into the labour market through conducting vocational and entrepreneurship training, guidance and counselling services. Also, it applies a holistic approach to increase the capacity of multiple stakeholders