Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Support to Quality Infrastructure Framework within the DCFTA Context in the Republic of Moldova

The Moldovan Government has commitments under the EU Association Agreement (EU AA) roadmap relating to improving the domestic investment climate and enhancing the competitiveness of Moldovan businesses in foreign markets. This roadmap is designed to help close the country’s competitiveness gap, enhance its overall productive potential, move it

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Public Employment Services

Quality of public employment services depends on the methods of attempting to attract and retain more people in employment. Thus, the operation aimed to create a capacity building and institutional development by enhancing the capacities of the Beneficiary and stakeholders to improve the public employment services that are

Agriculture and Rural Development

Capacity Building for the Alignment with the Acquis in the areas of Agriculture, Rural Development, Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy

This project improves the planning, legislative, and institutional capacity of Serbia’s Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Water Management part of the country’s preparations for EU membership. Project supports Serbia in the EU accession process through the preparation of the Negotiation Positions and drafting or amending the national

Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance for the Operation of “Hand Made in Hatay”

However, Antakya craftspeople and businesses can offer original designs and fine workmanship and can draw on a long master-apprentice tradition and rich multicultural history, the city has not lived up to its potential. This initiative, the Hand Made in Hatay project is part of a larger initiative, financed