Implementation of the Priority Actions in Climate Change Sector

Funding Organisation

European Commission


CFCD / Ministry of Environment & Physical Planning


1.360.000 EUR




The Project's overall objective is to achieve alignment of the North Macedonia's legislation with the EU climate action legislation, and creation of an enabling environment for the successful implementation of the priority mitigation actions developed under the Long-term Strategy on Climate Action. The project's specific objective is to implement a list of priority actions set by the Long-term strategy on Climate Action and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the period until 2030 (including the Roadmap for implementation of the Law on Climate Action). The proposed activities represent a package of legal and inter-institutional instruments for integrated climate action. On its path to EU accession, North Macedonia aspires to meet its national climate-related policy objectives and be completely aligned with the requirements and developments of the EU, its environmental policy, trade market and goals set by international agreements. In this context, North Macedonia faces an urgent need for reforms to align with EU climate standards. Integrating climate adaptation measures, enhancing legal frameworks, and strengthening monitoring processes are crucial. This project seeks to align North Macedonia’s legislation and strategies to the EU, prepare the ground for its integration to the EU carbon market through GHG monitoring and taxation, and develop participatory and science-based facilities to enable the further development of the climate sector in the country.


• Output 1: Comparative analysis between national and EU legal and policy framework for climate action and recommendations for further alignment prepared • Output 2: The mechanism for GHG emissions from stationary installations developed • Output 3: The monitoring/ reporting/ verification (MRV) system on policies and measures developed • Output 4: Enhanced partnership science-policy making on climate action • Output 5: Mainstreaming climate policies and measures at local level and enhancing civic engagement.

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