Technical Assistance for the Programme Entitled ‘Institutional Strengthening to Promote Decent Work in Honduras (EURO+LABOR)

Funding Organisation



Government of Honduras (particularly the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security


2.698.900 €


September 2015 – August 2020


It's considered essential to systematically promote decent work for the labour market of a country. In this regard, the mission of the Programme EURO + LABOR was to ensure "a country with decent employment opportunities for the population of Honduras" based on the Honduras Government's priorities and National Plan. More specifically, the programme aimed to enhance the capacity of the Honduran Government (particularly the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security) to systematically promote decent employment.


• A framework for joint action was defined by the government and the social partners (employers and workers) based on strengthened social dialogue, • The capacities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (STSS) were increased in order to expand its intermediation functions and regulatory work, • Workers and employers in fourteen municipalities were given access to the benefits of decent employment through labour market policies promoted by private and public actors, • Current information systems were integrated to have adequate information for decision making and the establishment of the basis for an information system on employment, production and social security, • Young returning migrants attended specific vocational training.

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