Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

EU Eastern Anatolia Development Programme (EADP)

The East of Turkey has had delayed progress compared to the economic development of other regions in Turkey. In this context, the Eastern Anatolia Development Programme was a regional development programme aimed at building capacity for sustainable development by implementing innovative and participatory local policy and planning approaches.

Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Increasing Competitiveness of Middle Black Sea Region TR83

Turkey’s Middle Black Sea region was set up in 2009 and is now well established; the Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA) carries out activities to support the economic and social development of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces. The main objective of this project was to

Justice and Human Rights

Technical Assistance Support to the Women’s Breakthrough Project

Over the next century, half the world’s population growth is expected to take place in Africa. It is recognized that one of the continent’s most significant development challenges will be creating enough quality jobs and to employ this population growth. Gender equality, particularly the inclusion and empowerment of

Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance to Support CISOP 2014-2020 Operations, Information and Publicity

The overall aims of the “Technical Assistance to Support CISOP 2014-2020 Operations, Information and Publicity” are to increase the competitiveness of the Turkish economy, to open it up to innovation and to reduce regional socio-economic disparities across the country as the Turkish and EU economies converge. We are