Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Public Employment Services
Quality of public employment services depends on the methods of attempting to attract and retain more people in employment. Thus, the operation aimed to create a capacity building and institutional development by enhancing the capacities of the Beneficiary and stakeholders to improve the public employment services that are

Increasing Competitiveness of Middle Black Sea Region TR83
Turkey’s Middle Black Sea region was set up in 2009 and is now well established; the Middle Black Sea Region Development Agency (OKA) carries out activities to support the economic and social development of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces. The main objective of this project was to

Technical Assistance for Establishment of MOBİTEK in Kayseri
The project’s overall objective is to increase the productivity and efficiency of the furniture manufacturing of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Kayseri and strengthen their product development and marketing capabilities.

Technical Assistance for Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme
Turkey’s negotiations in pursuit of full membership in the European Union (EU) place significant responsibilities on all sections of Turkish society. This fact means that Turkey needs individuals from all parts of society who can closely follow and contribute to EU-related issues. In this context, the specific purpose

Technical Assistance for Implementation of Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRD OP 5.1)
There was a need regarding the implementation of the HRD OP for improving the coordination and control of HRD OP, and by assisting the Operating Structure and relevant institutions in the different programming, monitoring, evaluation and implementing tasks. Within this context of the project, the components were aiming

Support to Quality Infrastructure Framework within the DCFTA Context in the Republic of Moldova
The Moldovan Government has commitments under the EU Association Agreement (EU AA) roadmap relating to improving the domestic investment climate and enhancing the competitiveness of Moldovan businesses in foreign markets. This roadmap is designed to help close the country’s competitiveness gap, enhance its overall productive potential, move it