PAR and Governance

Technical Assistance for Result Oriented Monitoring in Turkey-Phase III

Within the scope of this project, we are aiming to ensure efficient and effective of IPA II assistance with a view to better achievement of the objectives set out in the Indicative Strategy Paper of Turkey (2014-2020) and assist NIPAC to fulfil his extended monitoring responsibility.

Justice and Human Rights

Support to the Development of the Penitentiary and Probation Systems in Georgia

Countries are looking for an effective and fair way to penalize criminals and prevent recidivism significantly. Within this scope, the overall aim was to reduce recidivism in Georgia and to develop modern and efficient criminal and probation systems to ensure public safety that protects the human rights of

PAR and Governance

Support to Preparation of the National Strategy for Harmonization with the EU Acquis in the “Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services” Chapter – Relaunch

The negotiations have been continuing between Turkey and the European Union on the subject of “Right of Establishment (ROE) and Freedom to Provide Services (FPS).” Thus, the project aimed to generate a comprehensive action plan that identifies all necessary legislative and administrative measures in order to comply with

Justice and Human Rights

Technical Assistance Support to the Women’s Breakthrough Project

Over the next century, half the world’s population growth is expected to take place in Africa. It is recognized that one of the continent’s most significant development challenges will be creating enough quality jobs and to employ this population growth. Gender equality, particularly the inclusion and empowerment of

PAR and Governance

“Setting up a Programme Management Unit to Support the Implementation of Grant Schemes for the Turkish Cypriot Community”, in Northern Part of Cyprus

It can be said that countries need reconciliation, confidence-building, and support regarding civil society. In this way, the overall objective of the programme was to prepare the Turkish Cypriot community for the implementation of the acquis by contributing in particular to social and economic development including restructuring human