Technical Assistance for the Operation of Samsun Metals Metrology and Calibration Laboratory
West black sea region of Turkey which the project named TR83 (Samsun, Çorum, Amasya, Tokat) Region, including Sinop, requires to be contributed through socio-economic development. Thus, the purpose of this contract was to strengthen the innovation and quality infrastructure of the metals industry in the TR83 Region. Laboratory’s
EU Eastern Anatolia Development Programme (EADP)
The East of Turkey has had delayed progress compared to the economic development of other regions in Turkey. In this context, the Eastern Anatolia Development Programme was a regional development programme aimed at building capacity for sustainable development by implementing innovative and participatory local policy and planning approaches.
Technical Assistance for Support to the Local Human Rights Boards and Women’s Rights Awareness
Despite laws being passed in the 1990s to eliminate discrimination against women and a law to protect survivors of domestic violence being enacted in 1998, the country lags behind in implementing its national and international gender equality commitments. Women in Turkey continue to face challenges, with gender-based violence
Technical Assistance for Increasing Ethical Awareness Among Elected and Non-Elected Local Government Officials
The project aims to promote an ethical culture and minimize corrupt behaviour within the elected and non-elected local government officials during their service provisions. Within the frame of the project, WEglobal is helping to contribute efforts on embedding ethics and combatting corruption at local administrations under priorities set
Provision of Advisory Services for Development of Social and Environmental Investment Programmes for TANAP Project
Natural gas and its transportation are one of the biggest economic challenges for Turkey. Based on this context, the project aimed to construct a pipeline and other related facilities necessary to transport natural gas through the Republic of Turkey, which altogether were to form the Pipeline System. The
Local Experts for Monitoring the Grant Contracts Being Implemented Under the Reproductive Health Programme
The financing agreement for the “Programme of Reproductive Health in Turkey” (RHP) was signed in December 2001 and started in January 2003. Within the context of the programme’s grant component, based on two calls for proposals, 88 projects were awarded a total value of €19.9 million. External assessors