Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Promoting Registered Employment

Unregistered employment remains one of the critical concerns and significant challenges of the Turkish labour market. Even though recent years have seen a downward trend in unregistered employment, a substantial portion of Turkey’s workforce is still employed without being registered with the social security system. In this regard,

PAR and Governance

Support to the EU Integration Process of Albania

The project aims to assist the Government of Albania to strengthen the EU integration process in line with the priorities of Stabilisation and Association Agreement and accession negotiation processes by: Supporting effective alignment of national legislation with the EU acquis and its implementation. Further strengthening the capacities of

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Improving the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in TR33

Qualified individuals mean a powerful region and a powerful region requires investing in human resources. Hence, this assignment aimed to encourage employers and employees of SMEs in the TR33 Region (Kütahya, Afyonkarahisar, Manisa, and Uşak provinces), particularly by promoting lifelong learning. More specifically, the project’s purpose was to

PAR and Governance

Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building for the Ministry of European Integration and Line Ministries for the Preparation of the Negotiation Process and Legal Approximation (SMEI IV)

Albania became an EU candidate country following the European Council’s decision in June 2014. The integration process is underway in line with the priorities set out in the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and the EU’s Enlargement Strategy. The purpose of this project is to assist the Albanian