Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance for Samsun Logistics Centre

The project was conceived, Turkey’s logistics network ranked 30th worldwide but offered much potential for improvement. With its strategic Black Sea location, seaports, airport and access to national rail and road networks, the Turkish city of Samsun was viewed as being in an excellent position to create a

PAR and Governance

Civil Society Facility 2018 – Sivil Düşün IV

This project is the fourth phase of the Sivil Düşün (‘Think Civil’ in English) programme, which is being funded under the Civil Society Facility of Turkey. The ‘Sivil Düşün’ programme is designed to strengthen the structures and values of participatory democracy. It supports activities that strive to contribute

Education and Employment

Skills Development and Innovation Support Project

The labour market demands quick responses to changes in the market and the demographic situation. Within this scope, the assignment aimed to provide technical assistance to the Government of Macedonia and the Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) to reform the 4-year Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and

Education and Employment

Technical Assistance for Promoting Youth Employment in TRC3 Region

The purpose of the contract is to increase the vocational skills of young people in TRC3 Region and promote their integration into the labour market through conducting vocational and entrepreneurship training, guidance and counselling services. Also, it applies a holistic approach to increase the capacity of multiple stakeholders

Economic Development & Trade & Innovation

Technical Assistance for the Operation of “Hand Made in Hatay”

However, Antakya craftspeople and businesses can offer original designs and fine workmanship and can draw on a long master-apprentice tradition and rich multicultural history, the city has not lived up to its potential. This initiative, the Hand Made in Hatay project is part of a larger initiative, financed