Technical Assistance and Supervision for Kahramanmaraş Water and Wastewater Project
The quality of the drinking water and its consumption is one of the most critical topics for the European Union and the whole world. Based on this context, the programme aimed to accelerate Turkey’s accession to the EU by enabling Turkey to achieve a high level of environmental

Technical Assistance for Strengthening Institutional Capacity of the Judiciary and Execution System for the Fight against Addiction
The contract will contribute to the improvement of institutional capacity of judiciary in terms of fight against drug addiction. In this context the contract will cover activities such as trainings, workshops, needs assessment, drug addiction awareness raising group programmes, family counselling programmes, establishment of a monitoring and integration

Technical Assistance for the Operation of Samsun Metals Metrology and Calibration Laboratory
West black sea region of Turkey which the project named TR83 (Samsun, Çorum, Amasya, Tokat) Region, including Sinop, requires to be contributed through socio-economic development. Thus, the purpose of this contract was to strengthen the innovation and quality infrastructure of the metals industry in the TR83 Region. Laboratory’s

Technical Assistance for Improvement of Enforcement Services in Prisons (DEPAR)
There was a general recognition that standards and conditions in Turkish prisons needed to be improved and brought into line with international norms, particularly those operating in the EU in the context of closer EU-Turkey integration.

Conducting Awareness Raising Activities and training / ToT sessions on “Zero Waste” in Şanlıurfa Haliliye and Kilis Center
The project’s overall objective is to support municipalities’ adaptation to the “Zero Waste Directive” and other applicable standards, norms, and legislations of the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. This project aims to raise awareness and conduct training sessions on zero waste for refugees and their host communities.

Technical Assistance for Gaziantep Regional Industrial Design and Modelling Centre (GETAM)
The Gaziantep region has great potential for several manufacturing areas; however, sometimes, it requires some support from well-qualified projects to achieve adequate results. Therefore, the overall objective of the project was to increase the competitiveness and economic welfare of the Gaziantep region. More specifically, it aimed to strengthen