Technical Assistance for Implementation of Civil Society Dialogue and Civil Society Support Programmes (TR2015/DG/01/A5-01/001)
The overall aim of the project is to increase bilateral exchanges and cooperation between CSOs in Turkey and the EU at local, regional and national levels, to promote awareness raising initiatives on importance and benefits of membership of Turkey to the EU within Turkey and EU and on

Technical Assistance for Supporting the Solution of Economic and Social Integration Problems in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, and Erzurum, as Major In-Migrant Destinations
Rapid migration in major urban areas, namely Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Erzurum (DGES), have adverse impacts in Turkey. To reduce these unfavourable effects, EKOSEP aimed to support social integration and environment-related infrastructure problems due to migration in the selected provinces in a multi-actor manner. Furthermore, it aimed to

Technical Assistance for Improvement of Enforcement Services in Prisons (DEPAR)
There was a general recognition that standards and conditions in Turkish prisons needed to be improved and brought into line with international norms, particularly those operating in the EU in the context of closer EU-Turkey integration.

Technical Assistance for Strengthening Institutional Capacity of the Judiciary and Execution System for the Fight against Addiction
The contract will contribute to the improvement of institutional capacity of judiciary in terms of fight against drug addiction. In this context the contract will cover activities such as trainings, workshops, needs assessment, drug addiction awareness raising group programmes, family counselling programmes, establishment of a monitoring and integration

Technical Assistance for Establishment of Rize Tea Research and Application Centre
Rize has the best reserves of tea in Turkey, however, the SMEs in the Tea region is not qualified enough to compete. Hence, the general purpose of the project was to increase the competitiveness of the tea sector concentrated in Rize and its surroundings. More specifically, it wanted

Technical Assistance for Building the Capacity of EU Affairs in the Governorates
It is very beneficial to strengthen the quality of information on EU issues for all stakeholders and to improve the capacity of the Administration at the local level to support the management of EU funds and engagement in the accession process. Thus, the project assisted in increasing the